Gong holder

Object Gong holder
Culture Bontoc-Igorot
Time 20th century

Hight: 23 cm

Material Lower jaw wild boar, wood, rattan

The gong holder consists of a small squatting figure placed between the lower jaw of a boar. The boar tusks are clearly visible on the head of the sculpture.

The return of the successful hunters to the village was accompanied by the striking of the gong, whereby the handles of the gong often consisted of human jaw bones.

The Bontok Igorot armed themselves for a headhunting procession with battle shields kalasag, lances tufay and head axes gaman. They also took a head bag and a special backpack with a long, uncut fibre blanket sangi, which was only used for head hunting. In addition to the usual loincloth, the equipment of a head hunter sometimes consisted of a wooden helmet, as it is still worn today during hunts. The warriors used to wear their bracelets tangkil or tangka, which often decorated an ancestral figure, often with human hair from enemies or deceased.


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